Monday, March 14, 2016

16 Free Programming Books for Beginners

You are a beginners and looking to sharpen your programming knowledge then books can be very helpful. Books always help in providing you the best knowledge whether you are a law student , medical student or engineer. same in the case of those who want to be coder. Specially, beginners who are always keep on searching something new for sharpening the skill of programming language. 

You may have many books or eBooks related to programming language but the books I'm going to share will surely benefit you in getting you first job easily by providing the best programming knowledge. 

Let's found out what are those programming books that you really need a look if you are a beginner coder. 

1.Apprenticeship Patterns | This book is a surprise. why i'm saying this book is a book is a surprise because being a programming book this book didn't mention a single line of code. It is all about the problems (with solution) that coder face while practicing and understanding the basic concept of programming language. 

2.Learning JavaScript Design Patterns | JavaScript was once criticized for its messy code, but with the time passes by JavaScript has become the first choice of those who want to make a career as a coder. Nowadays, not a single modern website build without JavaScript. This book will surly ease the pain of learning JavaScript. 

3.Introduction to Computing | If you a just a beginner, who is ready to dive into the world of computer science then this is the first  book i recommend to read at first place, Written by David Evans,  this books covers Python and Scheme concept , but not all about these two programming language. 

4.97 Things Every Programmer Should Know ( MUST READ) | For this programming book multiple authors joined hands to provide you with those 97 Gems of programming that every beginner should be aware of. It is like a collection of essay with details view on all the basic concept of programming stuffs. Not only a beginner this book a must read for those too who have masters the art of programming language. 

5.The Codeless Code | This book by "Qi" is perfect for those who want to be in software development field. This book has 195 stories with the art of developing software.  

6.How to Design Programs | Written by the team of Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi this programming book is all about patterns computer programs. 

7.Foundation of Computer Science | Published in 1992 and written by Jeffrey Ullman and Alfred Aho. Authors quote regarding this book: “We believed in 1992 it was the way to propose theory in Computer Science, and we believe that today.”

8.Producing Open Source Software | This book is written by Karl Fogel. From this book: “Producing Open Source Software is a book about the human side of open source growth. It describes how successful projects operate, the expectations of users and developers, and the culture of free software.”

9.Foundation of Programming | Based on the article series "Foundation of Programming" by Karl Seguin. This book is about all the programmers worries specially written from . NET developer's angle. 

10.The Nature of Code | Written by Daniel Shiffman this book analysis of all the natural occurring things in the world and how they will might be simulated with code 

11.Patterns of Software | This book is about a set of essay survey topics in programming written by Richard P. Gabriel. When programmer read he/she will have direct impact into the life and mind.

12.The Architecture of Open Source Applications | Written by multiple authors his book is about design/architecture of open source applications. This is series of trilogy with a Tag Line: “If you are a junior developer, and want to learn how your more capable colleagues think, these books are the place to start.”

13.How to Think like a Computer Scientist | Written by Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, Chris Meyers. From the book: “The single most important skill for a computer scientist is problem-solving. Problem solving means the ability to codify problems, think creatively about solutions, and express a solution clearly and accurately.”

14.Learn Regex The Hard Way | Written by Zed. A. Shaw this Regex thing may be hard to learn but Regex is a very powerful language. This Regex thing has truly helped in easing the concept of modern  programming. 

15.The Little Introduction to Programming | From Data type to conditional statements this book covers all the foundation concept of programming. This book is written by Karl Seguin. 

16.Building Skills in Programming | This book teach you theory related to functions, data types, objects and more. Steven F. Lott uses Python  to share his view on teaching programming. 

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